๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ‘ถ Whistling Past the Graveyard, by Susan Crandall

This novel was a joy to read. I have an affinity for coming-of-age stories set in the south, with sassy young central characters who wear their heart on their sleeve. Perhaps lacking the ability to do so myself, I so appreciate their ability to just tell it like it is, while bringing to mind the truly important things in life. Starla is just fabulous, the likes of Swan Lake in The Homecoming of Samuel Lake, with enough courage and resolve to take on anything that comes her way. Eula was a remarkable character as well, and together, they helped each other heal from the difficulties that life tossed their way. However, one must certainly have a willing suspension of disbelief in order to appreciate this book. The narrow escapes and close calls were a bit much to digest, and therein lies the reason that I rated the novel four stars instead of five. However, Susan Crandall wrote a delightful and ultimately uplifting story.

Read 10/11/14

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