๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ‘ถ Brilliance, by Marcus Sakey

This was a surprisingly captivating read, and I was impressed that Sakey was inspired by savants and people with autism. The concept was even somewhat conceivable, had it been set 10 or more years from now. That’s why it was surprising that the author chose to set in alternative present-day, which called for more willing suspension of disbelief than would’ve been otherwise needed. The storyline was reminiscent of the television show _Alphas_, with a sprinkle of _Scorpion_, and a dash of _Touch_.

The author did a great job building suspense; and although some of the novel was predictable, there were enough “twists” (couldn’t resist the book reference) that kept me enthralled. The plot was very well-structured, and the author definitely did his homework with respect to current and projected political and social events. I loved the asides that mentioned what life would’ve been like without the abnorms, which basically summed up our current reality, very smart. I also appreciated that this novel stood alone and provided closure despite the sequel, as I’m not a fan of series. With that being said, this book was enjoyable enough that I’ll definitely consider reading the next one.

Read 11/12/14

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