Paulo Coelho once said, "The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion."
Nowhere is this more evident than by the integrity and bravery exhibited by Liz Cheney. As a lifetime member of the Republican party and mother of 5, she had nothing to gain and absolutely everything to lose by her courageous actions after the January 6th insurrection, and yet, she persevered.
No matter which side of the aisle you are on, this is an absolute MUST READ. Ms. Cheney goes into depth regarding the events that occurred before, during, and immediately after the insurrection. All. Of. The. Irrefutable. Nonpartisan. Facts. She even narrates her own book and does a tremendous job!
Here is just a taste of the powerful messages relayed in this book:
"I knew from my time overseas, a free society that abandons the truth - that abandons the rule of law - cannot remain free."
"The assumption that our institutions will protect themselves is purely wishful thinking by people who prefer to look the other way."
"Margaret Thatcher said this: 'Let it never be
said that the dedication of those who love freedom is less than the determination of those who would destroy it.'""A person with that kind of power - to intimidate and threaten and motivate others to carry out violent acts - does not just slowly fade into the background."
"As a nation, we can endure damaging policies for a four-year term. But we can not survive a president willing to terminate our Constitution."
"Our oaths are not given to any specific president. They are given to preserve the constitutional structure that has governed our republic for over 230 years. The oath does not bend or yield to popular sentiment
mob rule, or political threats."
This was an absolutely a worthy and important read.
Read 4/25/24
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